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Web shop


In recent years, more and more people want to order directly from us.
It has led us to the conclusion that the pharmacies, drug stores don’t satisfy the needs of consumers.
This is the reason we set up our own online store.
Our customers can receive updated information about our products, current promotions, new products and developments.

Competition aspects

The content about raw materials, vitamins, minerals and trace elements are only for general informative purposes.

Their purpose is not to promote our products.

The products have not been tested by the National Institute of Pharmacy, nor have they been experimented on humans or animals.
The products have no therapeutic properties.
The effects of our products vary from person to person.
SzV & M Llc. distances itself from any statements that claim that its products’ ingredients do not fit the lawful food and drug standards.
SzV & M Llc. brought about this web page for informative, networking and contact keeping purposes
All content of this site is legal copyright property of SzV& M Llc.
Commercial use of the content of this website is prohibited without the written consent of SzV& M Llc.

Studio3way Céges Honlap Készítés - Studio3way